Are you ready for your next vacation? Perhaps someplace that’s warm and sunny. Regardless of where you want to travel, you need a good plan. For one thing, that’s a great way to save money. For another, it’ll help you get the most out of the time you have. Here... [read more]
You don’t need the skill of Peggy Fleming or Johnny Weir to enjoy ice skating. Whether you skate often, haven’t skated in years, or it’s your first time, Glens Falls has some amazing rinks. Simply show up and have fun. Located close to Queensbury, New York, you can choose from... [read more]
If you’re like most people, you dread cold winters as outside temperatures drop. Even if you dress in layers, once you’re chilled, it’s hard to warm up. Well, any one of these three hot drinks will do the trick. Not only that, but these beverages are delicious.
Italian Coffee
You’ll love this... [read more]
Have you ever seen photos of your friends having fun throwing axes? If so, you can do the same thing by visiting Adirondack Axe in Queensbury, New York. It’s legal, safe, and a blast. So, get together with family members or friends and try something different.
Two Fantastic Options
Adirondack Axe gives... [read more]
With daylight savings, it gets darker outside earlier. Although there are still 24 hours in the day, you don’t get to enjoy the sun for as long. Here’s some good news. You can make the most out of limited daylight hours with these helpful tips.
Changes Worth Making
Even though these require... [read more]
In New York, it typically snows a lot. For that reason, drivers often struggle on the roads. Regardless of what you drive, you should know what to do if you get stuck in the snow. To reduce the risk, have your car checked before the next heavy snowfall.
Brutal Winters
Along with... [read more]
If you’re one of the millions of people who make a list of New Year’s resolutions but don’t keep them, here’s some good news. These helpful tips will make it easier for you to meet your goals. By the end of 2023, you’ll feel proud of your accomplishments.
Come Up with... [read more]
Sure, it’s fun to get all dressed up to celebrate New Year’s at a favorite restaurant or club. However, it’s just as fun to stay home. It only requires a little bit of planning. If you need a break from the traditional hustle and bustle of ringing in the New... [read more]
Like a lot of other people, you probably set a large garbage bag in the family room for all the wrapping paper that your family rips off presents. This year, do something different. Save the wrapping paper so that you can use it for a variety of other projects. Here... [read more]
There’s always that one family member or friend who wraps Christmas presents to perfection. Instead of feeling embarrassed by your wrapping skills, learn how you can make gifts look just as gorgeous. All you need is the right paper or bag, as well as a stunning bow.
A Beautiful Touch
In addition... [read more]