Seasoned hikers consider hiking therapeutic. Although it requires some level of physical exertion, they still find it relaxing and calming. Overall, hiking is fun and a great way to exercise the body. However, always begin by hiking on easy trails like these three. If you’ve wanted to try this, now’s the perfect time to start.
Helpful Tips
These tips will allow you to have a great time and remain safe. In addition to choosing easy trails when you first start, invest in the right footwear. If you plan to hike often and eventually take more challenging trails, buying quality hiking boots or shoes is worth it. That way, you’ll have excellent traction and maneuverability.
Before heading to any trail, spend time researching it. That’ll help you become familiar with the route and the surrounding area. Also, always dress appropriately. That involves paying attention to the weather, as conditions can rapidly change. Finally, take a backpack with bottled water, non-perishable snacks, and a charged phone.
Three Trails for Beginner Hikers
As a new or novice hiker, you’ll have no problem with these three trails. As you gain experience, knowledge, and expertise, you can then tackle harder trails.
Gurney Lane Park
Located at 118 Gurney Lane Road in Queensbury, NY, this is an excellent place to start your hiking journey. Within the park, which spans 150 acres, you’ll discover trails that stretch over 13 miles. As a result, you can start on one of the three-mile trails and slowly work your way up to one that’s more than 11 miles.
With several easy trails at Gurney Lane Park, it’s ideal for kids who want to learn to hike. At the same time, the park offers trails for mountain biking. In the winter, people flock there to snowshoe or cross-country ski on designated trails. Regardless of the trail you take, you’ll enjoy the beautiful scenery.
Shelving Rock Summit/Shelving Rock Falls
Situated on the east side of Lake George, this is another great place for new hikers. The Shelving Rock Summit trail is an excellent place to start. It’s 1.7 miles up and down for a nice 3.4-mile hike. However, you’ll notice that this one is particularly wide compared to other trails. For that reason, it’s become a popular choice for groups that like to hike together.
To reach this trail, you’ll need to drive from Lake George. That includes several miles on unpaved surfaces. Even though it’s a somewhat rustic ride, the woody landscape and waterfall make it worthwhile. After hiking, you can visit Shelving Rock Falls to swim or enjoy a relaxing picnic.
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Pilot Knob
While this trail isn’t quite as easy as the other two, it still makes a great choice. If you’re athletic and in good physical shape, you’ll hike it without any problem. Surrounding the 3.4-mile trail is native flora and fauna. In addition, you’ll see a beautiful waterfall, as well as a gazebo with an upfront view of Lake George.
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