Make Learning Fun While School’s Out

Make Learning Fun While School's Out

Make Learning Fun While School's Out

Summertime is amazing in so many ways. With summer break and people taking time off from work for vacations, it can be relaxing. This time of rest can truly be beneficial for everyone. Your kids, however, can suffer from the long break once they return back to school. They enter the classroom and cannot remember anything they worked on from the last school semester. It has been dubbed the “summer slide,” but it is anything than an amusing ride. Thankfully, there are ways to combat summer learning loss. Often the skills that children struggle with the most when they come back from summer break are mathematics and language. Parenting Science offers tips to make learning fun while school is out, so you can keep your kid sharp during the long break this season.

Summer Reading Program

If your child struggles with their language skills, then you should consider having your kid participate in a summer reading program. Local libraries have wonderful reading programs that are engaging and fun. These programs are also filled with events and activities throughout the summer. While your children should read books they enjoy, they still need to opt for books that captivate their attention and make them think. Make the most of the summer reading program by assisting them to find books that increase their intellectual capacity. If you are uncertain of where they should begin, then consult the advice of the librarian.

Math Apps

The reviews do not have to be long. If you spend just five minutes recapping with your kid on the math concepts they learned the previous school year, then it will help them retain what they have been taught. The question remains on how to get them to review these skills. It may be difficult motivating or enticing your child to review their math skills. Try encouraging them by using fun math apps. There are so many available on smartphones, so it will not be difficult finding one that is appropriate for your kid’s age and skill level. No matter which app you choose for your child, they are certain to have fun playing. The math apps feel more like a game than a lesson that your kids may not even realize they are learning.

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Learn with Board Games

While everything seems to be going digital, there are times where you need to keep your kids away from the phone, and that includes even the math apps. Instead of letting your kids play on apps to improve their math skills, you could let your children play board games. Depending on the board game, your kid can review counting, handling money, and more. Plus, the simple act of playing these games will help your children gain problem-solving skills, which is important to have in the classroom as well as in life.

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